My Little Send-off
So my 5 years plus in the Woo-Rah Land has officially ended.
My sweet gals were so wonderful, to organise a little send off session for me
Okay I am all smiles there, cos I was determined not to emo n cry on my last day. (unlike my 10 month stint in accuplace in 2006 and i bawled like a baby with only 7 other colleagues in the co)
but the moment I reached home and read the little scrapbook they made for me, i started weeping like nobody's biz..
They lovingly made a video montage of the lovely moments and their wishes, and of course, in Shidah's charming animation stop-motion video style..
Them setting up before i came in..

Really proud to see my 1 yr PLO-old officer take charge!

Flipping thru the lovely scrapbook like guests do the wedding album...


Super loads of unglam pics of me in the montage lor!
Curse my rubber face!

Group shots! Kneel until i tired

Me giving out mementos! dunno why i looked sooo jolly

Ah San.. our long-acting unit head who i had the opportunity to work closely with recently and discovered her lovely nature.
Si Ling! this MAD MAD woman! a rare find of a fellow CRAP generator. she is really full of cock lor
but so so righteous!
ah u see what I mean
And Im a pain in Qi's ass cos
I got her Angry Bird...
Long story...
actually nope, short story: her brother says she look like ANGRY BIRD. the red one
so she was this close to killing me

I lub Ah Keow!

My lovely scrapbook...
And who was it, who told me to carry it around whereever i go
I must say, I love it... much more than the $700 farewell prez

Forgot to ask whose sweet idea to get me flowers
With a barking puppy...

The Bride, the Bride-to-be, and the disinterested Married...
Admiring Pigu and Laoshu's painstaking artwork
I love physical collages! hand-cut, pieced together, pinned up
they did a 2-sided one. One side of our pretty shots, the other of our hideous, unglam moments. there were loads of it

Ahh then after a while, cannot behave liao
old habits die hard
"I no staff pass oreadi! " says me
the sweetest mommies who saw me come in as a noisy ignorant youngbie and ..
become ... a noisy ignorant team leader.
but i bet my stupid faces n comments entertained u all during Ops Meeting!

AMu! lovely quiet lady....

Cher n Dev... Badminton soon!
this was supposed to be a stand-in for Happy fruit, who was stuck in a course that didnt end before 6pm!!!
but she made me talk on the phone with her...
asked me why I didnt CRY
was everything not moving enough.
and made me read through what she wrote for me..
my dearest happy fruit la... love her to bits
Got envelope clutches in each of "their-colours"
Shidah, my team baby and budding film producer, specialising in animation
New Ruth! barely my team member for a month and off i went!
and my dearest
Joey Zhuo Xiu Xiao Xiao Gambling Queen Cixi Empress fernando torres...
tonnes of nicknames
I breathed down her neck for 2.5 yrs since Day 1 she came in.
and from fearing me, to wishing she was under another team leader sometimes, to coming to appreciate me and become one of my closest confidante
She write me a 5-6page letter in the scrapbook. Made me regret opening it there cos i really was this close into bursting into tears

erm.. suddenly she look like those ah peh praying at some makeshift roadside altar asking for 4D numbers...

And Meiyun!

One of my proudest moment here is to see my own team member rise up to become a team leader herself!
ello we only have 6 TLs. it was no easy feat.
And she is such an angel with such a good heart.
and planning all these with my team...

I love my new Fossil Watch from the Team!

Nice hor>?
here is the bigass gem from the Division
Bet it would look great with a simple black piece.
ba bling!
The team still cooridnated to get all in the division to write their wishes on 100+ mini postcards.
Really had a great time

Thank you all , my dearest...
I am pretty sure that I had my shortcomings even as a leader, and you all have managed to look past them with your positive work attitude and appreciate me still
At this moment, i really still cant bring myself to pen down a farewell message to you all
But i do miss u guys loads, and I am sorry that I did not stay to fight on..
Hope one day, we can still re-unite somewhere, cos Id really give to have wonderful teammates like u all
Take good care!
So my 5 years plus in the Woo-Rah Land has officially ended.
My sweet gals were so wonderful, to organise a little send off session for me
Okay I am all smiles there, cos I was determined not to emo n cry on my last day. (unlike my 10 month stint in accuplace in 2006 and i bawled like a baby with only 7 other colleagues in the co)
but the moment I reached home and read the little scrapbook they made for me, i started weeping like nobody's biz..
They lovingly made a video montage of the lovely moments and their wishes, and of course, in Shidah's charming animation stop-motion video style..
Them setting up before i came in..
Really proud to see my 1 yr PLO-old officer take charge!
Flipping thru the lovely scrapbook like guests do the wedding album...
Super loads of unglam pics of me in the montage lor!
Curse my rubber face!
Group shots! Kneel until i tired
Me giving out mementos! dunno why i looked sooo jolly
but so so righteous!
And Im a pain in Qi's ass cos
Long story...
actually nope, short story: her brother says she look like ANGRY BIRD. the red one
so she was this close to killing me
My lovely scrapbook...
And who was it, who told me to carry it around whereever i go
I must say, I love it... much more than the $700 farewell prez
Forgot to ask whose sweet idea to get me flowers
The Bride, the Bride-to-be, and the disinterested Married...
I love physical collages! hand-cut, pieced together, pinned up
they did a 2-sided one. One side of our pretty shots, the other of our hideous, unglam moments. there were loads of it
Ahh then after a while, cannot behave liao
become ... a noisy ignorant team leader.
but i bet my stupid faces n comments entertained u all during Ops Meeting!
AMu! lovely quiet lady....
Cher n Dev... Badminton soon!
but she made me talk on the phone with her...
was everything not moving enough.
and made me read through what she wrote for me..
my dearest happy fruit la... love her to bits
Got envelope clutches in each of "their-colours"
and my dearest
tonnes of nicknames
I breathed down her neck for 2.5 yrs since Day 1 she came in.
and from fearing me, to wishing she was under another team leader sometimes, to coming to appreciate me and become one of my closest confidante
She write me a 5-6page letter in the scrapbook. Made me regret opening it there cos i really was this close into bursting into tears
erm.. suddenly she look like those ah peh praying at some makeshift roadside altar asking for 4D numbers...
And Meiyun!
ello we only have 6 TLs. it was no easy feat.
And she is such an angel with such a good heart.
and planning all these with my team...
I love my new Fossil Watch from the Team!
here is the bigass gem from the Division
ba bling!
Really had a great time
Thank you all , my dearest...
I am pretty sure that I had my shortcomings even as a leader, and you all have managed to look past them with your positive work attitude and appreciate me still
At this moment, i really still cant bring myself to pen down a farewell message to you all
But i do miss u guys loads, and I am sorry that I did not stay to fight on..
Hope one day, we can still re-unite somewhere, cos Id really give to have wonderful teammates like u all
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