had nothing much done today cos of the TOTM.
(tv on all day. furry things running all over. Messy. Managing Director Leather chair. Mani-ed Nails on Ergonomic keyboard)
(tv on all day. furry things running all over. Messy. Managing Director Leather chair. Mani-ed Nails on Ergonomic keyboard)

. basically sleeping til 12. scolded chiyo a little bit. smacked emi for tearing up paper. replied emails. checked through stock to make sure that we exchange defected items quickly. whatapping all day cos M1 was down and Im so gonna make them give me free 1mth service cos im not officially employed. bathed and bathed. decided to dress up a bit for dinner with Dan cos he said we were going to Lor Kilat for his site inspection after dinner. No Makeup for the many-th consecutive day. Ended up having D13 ice-cream @Udders with him. Loving these little moments :)
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