Tuesday, March 06, 2007

+ How is your job? +

To one of the few people i rarely converse with, a cordial catching up on msn when she asked me the typical "How is your job?" question.

Not so shocking, my reply to her

Mambo no. 7.... says:
i'm with spore life saving society

Mambo no. 7.... says:
same, i told u right

++ GoonDoo + says:

Mambo no. 7.... says:
non-profit organisation

++ GoonDoo + says:

++ GoonDoo + says:
mine is an all profit organisation

++ GoonDoo + says:
both monetary terms and physical labour terms

++ GoonDoo + says:
they wun let go until they squeeze the last cent out of people and the last breath out of their workers

That is probably what i will ever perceive of my job from now on.

Today i realised

- that boss has lost that last piece of respect that i had left for her. incidentally, by not respecting her employee's right to a personal life at 7+pm.

- that you cannot stop word from spreading no matter how hard you try

- that being on top of the charts does not matter anymore

- that even if i did my best like the best performer ever, i will still be exposed to her crap

- that i have to tolerate having idiots throwing crap at me without self-awareness. I used to detest ppl who lack self awareness. i couldnt stand them. but now i know, i have to live with them being around me every single working day, so id take it

I also realised

that all these made me so thankful to God for

- my wonderful sisters... laoshu pigu jelly and sa tours. inconvenienced them so much sometimes because they have to help hide my r/s

- Dan, for being there to help me retain my sanity.

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