Been kinda a hectic few weeks, with our 6th launch and perhaps some bridesmaid duty? Pigu's big day came and went.. photos later as they need massive editing. I call this my little project.. haha
Our 6th launch - Summer Story.
While I dont really have a favorite season, i love summers. There is always a positive tone to it; everything becomes brighter, the air is clear

Laoshu helped us with the shoot this time round, aint she sweet and so girl-next-door. received some great reviews on her shoot too. we went for plain studio shots this time round - something that I had, in the beginning of starting SP, been pretty sure I didnt want to have. But many things have changed since. Practicality, for a start, deterred me from organising a 2nd outdoor shoot, and no it wasnt cos I felt hot, cos this ah-sam of a boss feels more like a helper clad in t-shirts and shorts without makeup, it didnt really matter if I sweated. but i really felt for the model having to look pretty in the dressy clothes and still look cool in the shots, and the sweaty photographer, and anyone else around who really came to help but was put through all the heat and standing..
maybe once in a while for a real special series. or just one shot once in a while..
Also making changes to the home studio. Realised that a muslin backdrop = too much to edit. Dearest Bunny got me a lobang for a sweet piece of canvas, and a real budget-saver too.
well im a little late with this update, not a prompt blogger i know, will fail as a fashion blogger - already working on my next launch and I have not decided on a launch date.
But its been great so far, sales were good for this launch perhaps cos of the adverts, and our mailing list family is growing.
and Im still enjoying every minute of it.
No news on the job search front
Meanwhile we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary!

aha i know. Wedding, to most, is the customary date. and i'd say u have great time-estimation skills slash memory if you tell me i'm a moron and its been only a year since we were married
well to cut a long wedding-prep-nightmare story short, Dan and I could have been the eloping sort and have a 2 -6 persons intimate wedding at some cliff ulu chapel.. = *dreamy*
But well, the next best thing was our solemnisation at the beautiful beach resort with close frens and family
Not the money-n-angpow-centred, lotsa-traditions-that-even-defy-logic-n-good-sense, customary wedding day
Just a simple sweet ceremony, surrounded by flowers, trees, water, and our loved ones
& its been 2 years...
time, just, aha see, it flies
Dan beri sweet. i mean it.
at times when i blab i tell him stories from my sad middle-child childhood. and i rem only once in a random conversation telling him i once wished so much that i have my own tamagotchi.
My brother had like 2? plus my mother was sooo strict that she kept them in a drawer and didnt allow us to play with it unless we do like tonnes of assessment books. so i remember the chicks were pretty shortlived.
So while I was off attending Huiqi's wedding he snuck somewhere and managed to land me my very own..

I have tamagotchi now leh..
it might be like 15years late but it means so much to me
and the little blue box

I loved how he knew I loved timeless designs and classic pieces
and the little blue box of Tiffany's
and he even got this - "The Loving Heart", which was designed the year he was born ~
I co-sponsored him the ipad 2 he's been losing sleep for, dont ask me why. I only know he wants it BAD... haha
so long I know.. like how he perhaps cannot understand why having one's own tamagotchi can be so important to be etched in memory like that.. but we know :)
You know, I wont say we have a perfect relationship and marraige,
there are still moments that we have to manage well and do better.
When frens commented that we do not quarrel, i can just say we dont magically do that, but we do our best to make each other happy and we respect each other's feelings. which is the main reason why we dont speak rudely to each other , therefore, no fights.
But we face real problems like all couples, disappointments, unhappiness. So we are not some super blessed beings, but it is just about how to communicate those feelings.
Its about realising what is important to you.

And I love you today because I cannot imagine if you are no longer with me tomorrow..
Happy Anniversary Dearest. I thank God for you, everyday.
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