Had 2 off days this week. I told laoda that it is my sneak preview to my long leave later this month to go to tokyo. Kinda funny taking 2 days off
Dan took his advance theory and passed.
after that we went to watch his favorite superhero. I had some issues with the show as I thought the girl COULD HAVE been more pretty. ok la im shallow la ok...

---> but is this a face that the super manly and cool BATMAN is crazy about, and someone who can make the DA go siao and become 2-faced??
Its needs to get more convincing than this
Its just the realistic truth. The gal NEEDS to be pretty..
Throughout the show i was constantly distracted by her saggy eyebags and cheekbones extended to the lip area... i became a nuisance to Dan. Like when she asked Harvey Dent not to do something, I'd insert dialougue like "Well if you were prettier, i'd listen to you"

Me : (begging) "Yes, please, cut the face up"
Oh did I say? I totally liked the Joker. Heathe Ledger was good but im not going ohhh like everyone else just cos he died. But the Joker points out such truths. My favorite was "if you are good at something, never do it for free"
According to Dan, the king of comics and games and movies, the Joker is one of the most challenging villians. That is sooo appealing.

And I think Batman's voice is damn sexy... only when the suit is on la. Dan explained that its because the suit is too tight and the nasal area is covered. And when he said it, he was so serious and matter of fact. I dont know if I should believe it or not.
So, it wasnt too bad a show. Of course if Katie Holmes were Rachel Dawes, id be much happier
You would have guess that The Dark Knight was not my kind of show. If you had, you are a friend.
What i wanted to watch was RED CLIFF. after all the hype about a 20 year Woo conceptualization, one cant help but be curious. but check out the timings of the show
Lido (where I went to watch dark knight), 31 Jul :
Red Cliff 9.00pm
(i was like ... no kidding, one timing only? but never mind la im here with the boy to watch batman)
Next day, we went to Plaza Sing for my turn to catch the movie
Plaza Sing, where the walls are plastered with 2 storeys tall Red Cliff movie poster, when I reached at 3.45pm..
Red Cliff - 2.00pm
so I did not get to watch it.. Instead we watched Money No Enough 2, which is a typical Jack Neo show, where the best actress was the old lady who made our heart ache, and derives inspiration from the cases we handle in our job. I meant my job...
On thurs night, we met up with collegues + a likeable ex-colleague for a buffet dinner at parkroyal hotel. Siao rite, on leave go and meet colleagues haha
Come to think of it, out of the many that has left the job, this is the only colleague we bother to meet up with.
One had just left on wed, which i really dont think was a great loss. Furthermore, I used to deem her as a friend. Until she abused all the benefits of doubts i granted to her when she was supposed to work under me for a few projects. Since I was the WITs leader, I had to organise a farewell party for her. Gawd. The most obliging thing I had to do
It also says a lot when your friends did not feel like buying you a farewell present
It made me think that many who left are really too selfish and team-spiritless to stay.
i'm getting so cynical..
(23 days to tokyo.....)
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