Saturday, February 17, 2007
+Perth Pictures+
the morning after (aha)
Taking the train to Fremantle
Peace.. its just the submarine..
2 very happy people...
Dan's Proud Picture of the DAY... Taa Daaaa...
the RAYS are captured..
Back at the station , we realized Dan is a criminal in Perth
dan is horrified
But! He got to meet up with his old time friends who livened up the fav 3 years of his life..
very ancient-flavored...
Check out the sign we saw...
More visiting places... finally got warm enough to take off my sweater..
Okieee thats it for 5 days in Perth...
Loved it!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
+Feburary the Fourteenth+
the happily attached brogging (brag-blogging) about their vday harvest
"Dearie sent flowers to my office! I love him!!!"
" A restaurant that uses rose-petal-made paper napkins! He spent so much!"
" He sang for me... it sounded terrible but i was so touched i cried..."
" He proposed!"
Or the singles brogging (brat-blogging) about what seems to be the stupidest day on earth
"stupid people buy flowers. they dont know that the far east flora conglomerate is laughing at them while stuffing stacks of Yusof Ishak notes into their pockets"
"$400 for 2 plates of steaks over a candle flame? that is the fastest way ive seen $400 turn into pieces of faeces"
Time for the estherical share of vday sentiments, eh?
I cant really decide which side i am on.
Few things to know about me:
- cant spell Feburary for nuts.
- used to be this typical girl with girlish dream of the romantic prince. thought it was absolutely vital that my bf get me flowers on vday. not on the 15th when they go on discount. not on the 13th when the roses have yet to bloom.
thought it would be beautiful if someone has the heart to get me that every year.
and thought how it would be absolutely perfect if he will spend the time and money to bring me to a fancy restaurant...
asks how others' vday went so i could convince myself how much my partner loves me
a typical girl. note the choice of word: GIRL
until a certain 14th Feb when it struck me that the same person who buys you flowers faithfully each valentines, who books a fancy meal and a nice hotel room for the occasion, can also be the very same person who does not even acknowledges your basic right to respect.
This 14th Feb, im thankful for that last 14th Feb
I've learnt the joy in simplicity. I've learnt what are the things that really matter.
I've got what i wanted, and I'm really happy.
Even though my boss decided to pep talk me into 7pm on a valentine's day to talk about work performance
Even though it was overall negative
Even though there was no fancy dinners, no flowers...
I am happy. Truly Happy
Thank you
Thursday, February 08, 2007
- Reflections 1-
- a total of 3 blogs in my life
- Killed off 2
- neglected the 3rd
- and deleted it after a few good months of neglect... (I think my last post was in October)
- and started a new blog
I wouldnt even attempt to explain. See, im taking MC tomorrow, because if i do go to work , i will end up getting no work done from 9am to 5.30 pm. How classically ironic is that?
I have a love-hate relationship with my job. I'm still hesitant to use the word 'career' here. Im no longer sure. Now if i break it down into a few aspects..
External Inputs: It is exciting to deal with certain mustards and beaches sometimes, and then it gets boring listening to their crap. Then im pleased at the gleeful knowledge that some losers do exist and its amazing how sad their lives are. I'd next weep for the country at the thought that we are jam-packed with petty uptight creatures with all the wrong priorities in life. Then i convince myself that it is really none of my business.
Internal factors:
Colleagues: Wonderful .. or at least those who matter.
Laoshu and Pigu .. what would i do without you all
(Yeah heard that we have the reputation of being "transformed Lians".. to hell with that. )
Celebrated Laoshu's birthday today btw.. (ok im being so disorganized and random) .. we got her a letterhead letter telling her that she is an 23 yr old hag and we have insufficient funds to purchase any decent present, coupled with her total entitlement on her discretion to slap us if she deems fit.
She loved it. found us so sweet. hey afterall, we took leave to be with her outside having tai tai tea... she loved it more than the Guess wallet we got for her!
I love these 2. i love them so much that i can marry them and eat them up.
Ahh then there is Dan, who is also my colleague +wink+, my calming presence.. and i have a secret crush on his voice... i guess the next time i catch myself fuming at some idiot, id call up his DID and listen to his recorded voice greeting. never fail to have that calming effect on me, works better than Johnson's Lavender bath foam..
I probably can hear the cynic spirit calling out "yeah right honeymoon phase cant get enough of each other" ya.. i know. thats why im enjoying the feeling while it lasts. and you know whats the fun part? you cant set a time for such a feeling to run out. so lets see.
And on a Dan-related note: Iron Lady is not too excited about the possibility that 2 of her slave dogs might be together. She probably is trembling right now in her bed thinking that these 2 slave dogs might even be serious about each other...
Ok if you are confused, try picturing a boss
- who is a lady with mental and physical strength greater than an average Man's.
- who has sworn off marriage
- and sworn her life into work. monday 0000hours to sunday 2359.59hrs. yeah she was kind to herself for granting herself that one second rest.
- whose teeth might all fall out from tight clenching at the mention of "maternity leave"
To be her perfect employee, you basically have to follow these few simple steps
1) devote your life to work the way she does
2) give up love, give up marraige
3) if you find it hard to give up point (2), you may do so but please do not have kids.
4) but if you have no self control and point (3) cannot be done, work from home during maternity leave.
5) if your baby survives being grabbed by an iron lady claw and torn by iron lady fangs, NO running home to the child though he/she might have fainted from crying of not seeing you at 10pm at night cos you are still pleasing the creature in the office.
Either way, you die. or your baby dies.
ok im not too worried about that right now because the context is not applicable.. but knowing that such expectations exist, we would have given up even trying to get close to meeting them...
excuse me for wanting to lead a normal life. Oh im not supposed to?
Oh how blatant of you to ask, Esta! Go sit in the corner and stick your nose to the 5 metres high pile of cases and reflect!
oh ya, i cut hair leh. and i dyed it black with red streaks
One reason i love Dan is cos he makes my head look small (starts chanting.. da tou da tou.. xia yu bu chou...)
cant see the red streaks though...
anyway Dan's head is not BIG la, he is just unfortunately closer to the lenses..
Eccl 1:14-18
14 ...the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
15 What is twisted cannot be straightened; what is lacking cannot be counted.
16 I thought to myself, "Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge."
17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.
18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.
------ Renewed------
New Look
New Posts
New me....
(i mean just the haircut .. +shrugs+)